Session 1:
Three advanced ACL rehab strengthening techniques
you should be using but aren't.
Session 2:
How to automate ACL prescriptions and reporting
to save an hour a day in admin.
Session 3:
Unlocking the true potential of your patients
with strength secrets, tips and tactics
from a champion powerlifter.
Session 4:
Strengthening from an endurance perspective
Watch the video to get a behind-the-scenes look at what is in the Toolkit:
and get a one-time offer to get
over R1750 in resources for free!

Upgrade your ticket to get the most out of this event!
Your free ticket to all of the sessions in the series is on its way to your inbox
and 24 - 27 October is going to be action-packed!
But all the knowledge is pointless without an action plan to implement what you learn.
We strongly believe that you don't need more information, you need a transformation!
For the next 20 minutes, we're giving you the chance to take your next step by getting 50% off
of the ACL Rehab Toolkit, which includes over R2 000 worth of resources.
The ACL Rehab Toolkit

3 Live Workshops
The Bio's Guide To ACL Success
Retail Price: R997
12 evidence-based strengthening techniques
to power-up your ACL prescriptions
for rapid results & improved outcomes.

The Strength-Endurance Continuum
Retail Price: R247
10 lessons that dive deep
into the research surrounding
scientific mechanotherapy prescriptions
to catapult the performance
of your endurance athletes to the next level.

Action Course
Strength Secrets Masterclass
Retail Price: R297
12 short & powerful lessons to arm and equip you with the lesser-known tools, tips and tactics
for improving strength.

3 Live Workshops
Advancing Rehabilitation
Through Technology
Retail Price: R997
A month of Rehabit,
live case studies and a webinar on how to use
easy and affordable software
to overcome the 3 biggest challenges
that clinicians face in their rehab and reporting.
The ACL Rehab Toolkit
(R2 000+ in resources)
A premium bundle of live and on-demand courses, workshops, webinars and software
to get your ACL patients stronger, faster.

Save 95% for the next 20 min only!
It is your choice between:
ACL Rehab Toolkit
3 Live Workshops: The Bio's Guide To ACL Success (R997 value)
Action Course: Strength Secrets Masterclass (R297 value)
Masterclass: Mastering The Strength-Endurance Continuum (R247 value)
Interactive Software & Webinar: Advancing Rehabilitation Through Technology (R497 value)
VIP ACL Rehab Toolkit
3 Live Workshops: The Bio's Guide To ACL Success (R997 value)
Action Course: Strength Secrets Masterclass (R297 value)
Masterclass: Mastering The Strength-Endurance Continuum (R247 value)
Interactive Software & Webinar: Advancing Rehabilitation Through Technology (R497 value)
1-on-1 Q&A follow-up session with Kyle (R5 000 value)
The ACL Rehab Toolkit includes:
The Bio's Guide To ACL Success

12 Workshops
Normal price: R997

Bonus 1
Lifetime Access to all replays
Value: R497
Bonus 2
Workbook, notes & action steps
Value: R247 FREE

Bonus 1
Downloadable Audio Versions
Value: R99
Watch the feedback from clinicians who have taken our previous courses:

"It's like watching a series.
You know you don't have time to watch another episode but you want to so you do.
When attending a talk or course, I usually struggle to focus for even half an hour but because the videos were short, I felt accomplished after each one and I could take a break every 10 to 15 minutes.
I found the layout very user friendly and I liked that I could work through it in my own time."
- Kalinka Terre Blanche
Clinician at Rainsford Biokinetics
"The way the course was set up was so ideal.
If I could fit the whole course in one day, I think I would have. But it's like a series. Every time you're like one more episode, just one more, one more module.
From the beginning, I understood the flow right until the end. It was very user friendly.
The materials help you stay on top of the game for every session you go into. "
- Jodie Vermeulen
Clinician at SA Biokinetics INC
"You went a step further and said how can we practically implement this with the client.
Most courses they would just say yes instead of using this, use this, and that's pretty much the end of it.
But they don't really get into the specifics of, okay, how would you change your approach if you're using method B instead of your usual method?
And that's what I also love about that specific module."
- Brendon Marais
Clinician at bmbio
"Definitely a lot of value for money"
"and enthusiasm for your career. The other thing was the practical advice. Lots of info but broken down into steps: practical steps. "
- Annamarie van Zyl
Clinician at van Zyl Wait Biokineticists
"This has been like Christmas for me"
"I'm very scientific and I try to be as evidence-based as I can. And this has been like christmas for me; learning and doing this course."
- Christie Wolhuter
Clinician at CW Biokinetics
The ACL Rehab Toolkit
(R2 000+ in resources)
A premium bundle of live and on-demand courses, workshops, webinars and software
to get your ACL patients stronger, faster.

Save 95% for the next 20 min only!
Strength Secrets Masterclass
12 short & powerful lessons to arm and equip you
with the lesser-known tools, tips and tactics for improving strength.

Our 12-lesson plan of action:
Retail Price: R297

Bonus 1
Workbook Action Steps
Value: R200
Bonus 3
Notes & Summaries
Value: R200
Bonus 2
MP3 Audio Versions
Value: R200

Bonus 4
Social Media Infographics
Value: R200

Bonus 5
Downloadable Transcripts
Value: R200
Bonus 6
Downloadable Videos
Value: R200

Ed helped me get
& 21 National records
"I have had the privilege of being one of Edgar’s powerlifting athletes for 5 years now.
He is extremely knowledgeable
about everything he does
and will always be able to give you
an explanation or concept that you will understand.
Today he has coached me to be strong physically as well as mentally and that has molded me into the athlete I am today.
I have 3 World Records, 21 Nationals records and have placed best overall female teen lifter at Nationals all under the guidance of Edgar."
-Nicole Weideman

Ed transformed the way I train
"Having Edgar as a coach has
transformed the way I train.
Every few months I look back and, without realizing,
have exceeded any short term goals
I may have set for myself.
Edgar has helped me build strength - especially mentally which I've found is an area coaches often overlook.
He has had my back and believed in my potential
from day one - pushing me to do better than
I thought I was capable of."
- Gareth Meyer

I am already
on target to reach
my previous best
"I've been out of training for about 2 and a half years and Edgar gladly took me on as a powerlifting client.
It hasn't been a walk in the park, but it's been worth it and I'm so excited to see where we go from here.
With only 12 weeks back in, I am already on target to reach my previous best and exceed even further. "
-Nicole September
The ACL Rehab Toolkit
(R2 000+ in resources)
A premium bundle of live and on-demand courses, workshops, webinars and software
to get your ACL patients stronger, faster.

Save 95% for the next 20 min only!
The Strength-Endurance Continuum
10 lessons that dive deep into the research surrounding scientific mechanotherapy prescriptions
to catapult the performance of your endurance athletes to the next level.

Our 10-lesson plan of action:
Retail Price: R247

Bonus 1
Downloadable Transcripts
Value: R200

Bonus 2
MP3 Audio Versions
Value: R200

Bonus 3
Downloadable Videos
Value: R200

"I started training with Mark in January when he put a comprehensive training program together for me to complete the half Ironman. His dedication to me and my training has been nothing short of phenomenal. His knowledge and support throughout this process has taught me how far I can push myself and what I am capable of achieving.
I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for Mark.
I would highly recommend Mark to assist you in reaching your fitness goals."
- Bianca Wrighton
"Absolutely all in one package great coach, and Great bio to take care of all the niggles while training."
- Deon Groenewald
"After I completely snapped my ACL , Doctors told me without surgery i would not be able to play sports again but after i had been working with Mark those same Doctors could not tell which leg had been the injured one.
Mark had really helped me physically as well as psychologically
as he gave me the confidence to trust my leg again to learn resilience and never give up.
Today i stand taller than ever as i have just completed my first IRONMAN triathlon with his expert coaching and tailored guidance. I could not have done this without him."
- Yaseen Khan
The ACL Rehab Toolkit
(R2 000+ in resources)
A premium bundle of live and on-demand courses, workshops, webinars and software
to get your ACL patients stronger, faster.

Save 95% for the next 20 min only!
Advancing Rehabilitation Through Technology
A month of Rehabit, live case studies and a webinar on how to use easy and affordable software
to overcome the 3 biggest challenges that clinicians face in their rehab and reporting.

Webinar, live case studies & 1 month of Rehabit:
Retail Price: R997

On-demand Webinar:
How to overcome
the 3 biggest challenges clinicians face when it comes to
prescription and reporting.
Live Case Studies:
The Live ACL Rehab Workshops
hosted by Kyle
will be followed by live practical
case studies of how to put
the theory into practice.
A month of Rehabit:
Experience the most
affordable and professional
clinical software that takes your prescriptions and reports
to the next level.
"I used to write client reports on word and then designed programs on the older exercise pro.
Reports and programs are so much easier to design now.
I love that clients can give me feedback (pain and fatigue) each time that they use the program as this makes program monitoring easier for me.
All my admin is now stored in one place so it is easy to find a specific client's program/report."
- Karisma Calitz
Clinician at Anzerie Harper Biokineticist
"Before switching to Rehabit I was using an American based site for home programs and keeping hard copies of assessments and reports.
My favourite thing about Rehabit is the fact that
I can keep track of my patients pain levels without having to wait a week to find out how their exercises are going.
It is also a great tool so that the patients can see how they are improving.
Everything feels a lot more streamlined. All of my programs and reports are in one place which makes things a lot easier."
- Michaela Kapareliotis
Director at Michaela Kapareliotis Biokineticist
"Patient exercise prescription was previously done with Exercise Pro software and reporting was done manually with excel.
Rehabit is easy to use on the go and offers the Bio the option to follow up on the compliance of their patients and get patient feedback on the home exercises.
Reporting and program prescription is much more efficient and less time consuming."
- Kirstin Piveteau
Clinician at Pinnacle Health
The ACL Rehab Toolkit
(R2 000+ in resources)
A premium bundle of live and on-demand courses, workshops, webinars and software
to get your ACL patients stronger, faster.

Save 95% for the next 20 min only!

What if I don't
learn anything new?
Here is our guarantee to you:
We would never punish you for being a knowledgeable clinician!
You can complete this course in a weekend but we'll still give you a full 30 days to complete it.
If, during that time, you go through the whole course and complete all the workbooks and then still feel as if you either didn't learn anything new or didn't get the value that you hoped for, then we'll give you
100% of your money back
and even let you keep the course material.
Seriously, we are 100% confident that you'll find value from this course.
We're here to help you become the best clinician possible and if we can't do that then we don't deserve your money.
We've got A's for your Q's
Why only R250?
This is a one-time offer only.
Once the timer runs out, you'll never
get this offer again.
You'll still be able to purchase the course,
but at a much higher price point.
Do you offer refunds?
We definitely do! We'll give you a full 30 days to complete all the content.
If, during that time, you go through the whole course and complete all the workbooks and then still feel as if you either didn't learn anything new or didn't get the value that you hoped for, then we'll give you 100% of your money back and even let you keep the course material.
What will I learn?
We've brought in a variety of experts in the field of strength so that you can learn about the latest research, tips, tricks, tactics and strategies from a researcher, powerlifting champion, Ironman coach and software-centric clinicians.
​This Toolkit is designed to equip you to tackle strengthening your ACL patients from multiple angles and approaches so that you feel confident and competent when it comes to your rehab prescriptions.
Will I learn about ACL evaluations, return to sport criteria or other parts of ACL rehab?
No. ACL rehab is a massive topic that would take weeks to comprehensively cover.
This is a deep dive into just one part of the rehab - getting your patients strong again.
All discussions will revolve around strengthening research, protocols, tips and strategies.
For how long will I have access to it?
How does lifetime access sound?
You'll always have access to the content and ALL future updates to the course.
No matter how much we add, you'll never have to pay another drop.
When can I get started?
Right away! You'll get access to all of the
pre-recorded content immediately and
then have the option of joining in on the
live workshops.
You'll get lifetime access to the replays of the live workshops 48 hours afterwards.
Is this only for Bio's?
It sure is!
This is a Toolkit created by Biokineticists for Biokineticists.
ACL rehab is a big topic so all of these resources are a deep dive into just one portion of the rehab, which is end-phase strengthening.
What support is there if I get stuck?
We're always one email away!
For any kind of technical or educational support, reach out to us and we'll sort you out as soon as possible.
What if I am really busy?
There is no rush because you'll have LIFETIME access to all the content.
Too busy to watch the lessons? No problem - you'll get access to the audio feeds from each lesson to listen to on the go.
Too busy to watch or listen? You'll get transcripts and notes whenever possible to cut the learning curve down to a fraction of the time.
Too busy to attend the live sessions? You'll have lifetime access to all of the replays.
All lessons are short and concise because we value your time and we strongly stand against long, boring lectures!
What if I still have more questions?
Please email and Steph will answer all your questions for you.
The ACL Rehab Toolkit

3 Live Workshops
The Bio's Guide To ACL Success
Retail Price: R997
12 evidence-based strengthening techniques
to power-up your ACL prescriptions
for rapid results & improved outcomes.

The Strength-Endurance Continuum
Retail Price: R247
10 lessons that dive deep
into the research surrounding
scientific mechanotherapy prescriptions
to catapult the performance
of your endurance athletes to the next level.

Action Course
Strength Secrets Masterclass
Retail Price: R297
12 short & powerful lessons to arm and equip you with the lesser-known tools, tips and tactics
for improving strength.

3 Live Workshops
Advancing Rehabilitation
Through Technology
Retail Price: R997
A month of Rehabit,
live case studies and a webinar on how to use
easy and affordable software
to overcome the 3 biggest challenges
that clinicians face in their rehab and reporting.
The ACL Rehab Toolkit
(R2 000+ in resources)
A premium bundle of live and on-demand courses, workshops, webinars and software
to get your ACL patients stronger, faster.

Save 95% for the next 20 min only!