Evidence-Based Summit
United Healthcare Edition: Combining performance, injury & recovery research
with everyday clinical practice

Programme of Events
Using Tendon DNA to Upgrade Your Injury Evaluations
• Kyle van Heerden
What’s so Shocking about Shockwave?
• Roxanne Ashkar
Managing EDS in the Athletic Population
• Melissa Adamo
Equestrian Performance and the Unique Challenges Riders Present
• Christie Wolhuter
Strength Training Recommendations for Endurance Athletes
• Mark Stevens
The Holistic Approach to Health and Fitness
• Marizelle Grobler
Yoga as a Multidisciplinary Approach to Myofascial Release
• Theresa Moodie
How to Integrate Sexuality into Your Rehab Practice
• Tasneem Abrahams
5 Keys to a Successful Plant-Based Athlete
• Dr Roxie Becker
Blood Flow Restriction Training: What, When, How & Why
• Brendon Marais
The Latest Evidence on Exercise in Cancer
• Lomé Prinsloo
Rehabbing Scoliosis in Sport by Optimising the Kinetic Chain
• Kathryn Pelser
An Alternative Approach to Shoulder Pain
• Cheryl Daniels
Steps To Get A New Mom Back To Impact Training
• Carmen Andrews & Carmen Baier
• Dr Michaela Botha
What Every High Performer Ought to Know About the Neuroscience of Pain
• Dr Lex Gonzales
The Essentials of Strength and Performance
• Edgar Katushabe
The Importance of an Optimally Functioning Nervous System
• Dr Nicole Bernic
Advancing Rehabilitation with Technology
• Ian de Jager & Pieter Faber
Using Exercise to Benefit Your Mental Health
• Charlize Stander
The Role of Protein Within Recovery for Athletes
• Fenetta Henning
Eating to Optimise Performance and Enhance Recovery
• Jenna Bowes
Kyle van Heerden
Using Tendon DNA to Upgrade Your Evaluations
Let's cut right to it: the last 2 years have been really tough. We've seen that the practitioners who are willing to get creative, innovative and take risks are the ones that have made it through. Those who were not willing to try new things over the last 2 years have had to close their doors. Here is how you can make this year different in just 30 minutes. This will be your quick-guide introduction into a practical way that you can add a unique and futuristic element to your business to make sure you stand out from the crowd. After watching this talk: You'll be up to date with some of the latest evidence around tendon evaluation, you'll know how you can easily add a genetic component to your assessments, and you'll be able to put it all together into one simple form. Tendon Genetics is a relatively new field with incredible potential. The first study published on a genetic predisposition to Achilles tendinopathies came out in 2005 and since then this topic has gained world-wide recognition with tons of high-quality peer reviewed studies published. We'll look at some of the current evidence around assessing an Achilles tendon with new research from authors such as Karen Silbernagel, then dive into the practicalities of using tendon DNA as a clinician. You don't have to know a single thing about DNA or genetics. We're making it simple, easy to understand and compact enough that you walk away filled with new ideas and inspired to make the most of this year. This is for all the health care professionals who are open to upgrading their assessments and expanding their expertise. In 2022 you have two options: stand out from your competition or blend into the masses. If you're looking for an edge to put you ahead this year, here is your first step in that direction.
Brendon Marais

Blood Flow Restriction Training: What, When, How & Why
Blood flow restriction (BFR) training is a novel method increasing in popularity in the fitness and rehabilitation settings due to its role in optimising muscle hypertrophy and strength as well as cardiovascular capacity, function, and a host of other benefits.
The technique was discover in 1970 and in the last few years the scientific evidence has been growing at an exponential rate. However, despite the interest in this area of research, there are some perceived barriers that practitioners must overcome to effectively implement this modality into practice.
In this talk, we will be discussing:
WHAT is BFR training and the hype behind it?
WHEN can BFR training be used to optimise muscle hypertrophy, strength and more.
HOW to perform BFR safely in practice and which methods are used best.
WHY you should be doing BFR training and why not.
After watching this talk, you will be:
...equipped with the basic prescription guidelines to safely apply BFR in a clinical setting;
...educated in the field of BFR technologies, where to buy and what to look out for;
...equipped with some resources to get you started with practicing BFR; and
...confident to discuss the topic of BFR with colleagues in the multi disciplinary setting;
If in 2022, your aim is to grow as a professional and expand you expertise and treatment modalities, then here is your first step in the right direction. BFR = Better for results.
Roxanne Ashkar

What’s so Shocking about Shockwave?
Shockwave Therapy is a useful tool that can be used to manage many musculoskeletal disorders.
In this talk we will discuss the mechanism of action, indications and contraindications to treatment and treatment parameters.
I will also share with you some interesting indications for use outside of the scope of physiotherapy and some images and videos of shockwave use in practice.
At the end of this talk one should be able to integrate SWT into many treatments in the MSK clinical setting.
Lomé Prinsloo

The Latest Evidence on Exercise in Cancer
Do you feel overwhelmed when a cancer patient walks through your door? Is exercise even safe for them, and if so, what is too much? Well, I can relate to your uncertainties as they are amongst the most medically complex and fragile patients to treat. Oncology rehabilitation is new and emerging field that is only expected to grow in the years to come as more and more patients are surviving thanks to medical advances. The chances that you might be confronted by someone that has either had, or has cancer is big. Let me help you feel more confident in taking on such a case. In this talk I will walk you through the role of exercise in cancer. We will look at the current evidence and recommendations regarding exercise, promising and interesting research studies, as well as the safety considerations in cancer rehabilitation. By the end of this talk you will understand how exercise can be used as a treatment strategy to alleviate some of the side effects that patients commonly experience, either from the disease itself, or from the medical treatments they receive. You will also know how to safely guide your cancer patients with regards to physical activity. With rehab already well established in many other medical fields, we should step up as health care professionals to cater for the needs of a population that might just need us most. I cannot wait to make you feel confident in taking on your first cancer case. See you there!
Leandri Willis

My Terrible Triad Journey: 6 Rehab Techniques that Really Made a Difference
Walking the Journey as a patient – long jump athlete and coach, netball player, Biokineticist and a patient! As a bio, I always thought I was pre-conditioned for the worst-case scenario. That worst-case scenario happened when my ACL, MCL and lateral meniscus were torn. Overnight, I became the focus of my own (and other colleague’s) rehab programs. Consequently, that long held belief of being well conditioned was challenged. Despite the extent of the injury, I am privileged to have walked and experienced the long-term recovery journey. I am humbled to have the opportunity to share some of those experiences with you, as we explore the challenges and successes of long-term injury recovery from both ends of the telescope. In my 30 minute talk, I will share with you 6 rehab techniques that made a difference in my recovery. The experience has left me with a holistic view on long-term recovery: the approaches I took prior to the injury have developed, some in part, some significantly. Overall, the approach has broadened my approach to viewing the patient as a whole and not limited to an injured joint. As a Bio, passionate about sport and healthy living, being on crutches for two months provided space for me to reflect on the approaches we are taught throughout our careers on the rehab journey. Get ready to walk that journey with me as a health care professional in the shoes of a patient.
Kathryn Pelser

Rehabbing Scoliosis in Sport by Optimising the Kinetic Chain
Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature in the spine from side to side. It may develop from an unknown reason causing pain and changing a persons’ posture which causes muscle imbalances such as having uneven hips or shoulders due to the lateral curve in the spine. This talk is specifically going to dive into structural and functional scoliosis seen in athletes. We will look at what sports may affect the spine, how to assess for imbalances, how to treat scoliosis with functional training specific to the individual’s sport, and correcting other postural and musculoskeletal imbalances so the athlete may still participate in training or sport.
Megan Steyn

Running Injury Treatment & Prevention Through Biomechanical Gait Analysis
Have you ever tried to tell a runner to stop running? It’s pretty much impossible! With a high prevalence of running related injuries, can we work with runners to get them running pain free and improve their performance? When the root cause of the injury is determined, the rehabilitation success rate increases. A biomechanical gait analysis provides measurable data that aids in the diagnostic process. Through science and case studies, here’s what you will learn in this webinar:
- Key biomechanical components. Questions to ask your runners during the subjective assessment.
- What to look out for in a running gait analysis – which angles need to be measured.
- Gait retraining strategies.
- Efficient biomechanics and running economy.
- Achieving pain-free and optimal performance can be easily done.
Assess, correct, move.
Jana de Wet

Essentials to Optimally Treat and Manage Dancers’ Injuries
Ballet dancers are exposed to chronic high training and performance demands, associated with overtraining syndrome and injury. Balancing high training loads with recovery, to reduce the risk of negative training adaptations, is critical. Although performance demands have increased drastically over time, the training methods have not. Dancers are artistic athletes and should therefore be treated as such when it comes to injuries, training load management and recovery. Differences as well as similarities between both dancers and traditional sport athletes will be highlighted to explain the unique treatment approaches that best complement dancers. Learn what to do with your dancers and what not to do, to reduce injury risk, negative training adaptations and to get them back to optimal performance as quick as possible.
Melissa Adamo

Managing EDS in the Athletic Population
It is concerning how so few practitioners and other professionals know about and understand EDS (Ehler’s-Danlos Syndrome). EDS is a group of inherited disorders that affect connective tissues — primarily the skin, joints and blood vessel walls. The danger in having this disease as an athlete is that it could lead to constant, and often painful, joint dislocations, fragile tissues, internal organ complications and even a potential rupture of the aorta of the heart decreasing some patients life expectancy to below the age of 40 years!
The goal with this talk is to highlight the very important role that each member of the multi-disciplinary team has in the management if athletes with this disease and to show that even though EDS is not curable, athletes who are diagnosed can live a very functional and athletic lifestyle and are capable of competing at competitive levels, they just need the right guidance and team!
Cheryl Daniels

The Diagnosis is in the Detail: An Alternative Approach to Shoulder Pain
This talk will discuss the use of a classification system rather than a pathoanatomical approach to the management of shoulder pain. This presentation aims to highlight some of the difficulties with diagnosis of shoulder pain and present the McKenzie method of MDT as an alternative approach to assessment and management of these conditions. Cheryl believes strongly in continuing professional development and attends as many courses she can to keep up to date with evidence-based practice and the relevant skills required. In 2015 she attended her first course on the McKenzie method of mechanical diagnosis and therapy. This sparked her interest as a means to classify patients into subgroups which would determine their management strategies and to enable patients to take a more active role in their continued health. At the end of 2017, she passed the international accreditation exams to become a credentialed McKenzie therapist. Cheryl is registered in South Africa, the UK and Australia and is also a member of both the South Africa Society of Physiotherapy and the Manipulative Association of Chartered Physiotherapy in the UK.
Christie Wolhuter
Equestrian Performance & The Unique Challenges Riders Present
In this quick workshop, Christie will cover:
- An overview of the different disciplines.
- Rehab challenges such as adherence to rehab.
- Common overuse and acute injuries.
- Training and conditioning tips.
As a rider herself, Christie had a long hard think about the lack of information and expertise regarding horse rider performance from a scientific point of view. The complex nature of horse riding, coupled with the fact that the rider’s position greatly influences the performance of the horse led to her developing a testing protocol aimed at identifying points of difficulty for the rider. With the assessment information at hand, she develops personalized programs for the rider to help them work on the areas where they are having trouble.

Carmen Baier & Carmen Andrews
3 Steps To Get A New Mom Back To Impact Training – Safely & Effectively
When and why should a postpartum woman be referred for return to fitness rehab? What needs to be in a return to impact program, and how should a rehab professional structure the return…?! Postnatal rehab can be a little intimidating for rehab professionals. You need to be cognisant of the woman’s healing and the physiology unique to this period. And you need to know how to challenge each woman without raising her risk for injury and later complications. Well-planned treatment takes this into account. Your guidance can help new moms to get strong, healthy, and fit. And more importantly, help them to understand their body, and set them up to be active for life! Here’s what you’ll get from this talk:
- When (and how!) new moms should start structured fitness after delivery
- A good grasp on the fitness needs of the new mom and a step-by-step framework for return to training
- A group of objective tests to tell if a woman is really ready for impact
- Tips for working with new moms and adapting the process for athletes
How did this talk come about? Carmen Andrews had difficulties in her own training journey after her first pregnancy. She dug into local and international pelvic health courses and combined this with her sports physio background…and managed to unpick the root of her injuries. She’s been helping other moms ever since. In this talk she and her colleague Carmen Baier will present the evidence based framework that we use when rehabbing new moms in our practice and that we’re adapting into an online exercise program for new moms. Here’s the roadmap that you’ll learn:
1. Foundation: What needs to be in place before your client starts training post baby
2. Programming content: What components and progressions need to be in a post-natal rehab plan
3. Readiness and return: Tests and a step-by-step process for return to impact loading
We’ve planned this to be as actionable as possible. You’ll leave with a step-by-step plan that you can use with the next new mom that you work with. So you can help her to -safely- reach her fitness goals!
Dr Michaela Botha

Chiropractic and CrossFit: How Can We Help?
We all know how tough the lockdown has been, and with many people being stuck at home, as soon as we could get out and about again, a lot of these people joined their local gym. Another big thing was joining a CrossFit box. CrossFit is one of the largest growing sports now. That being said, with most of us sitting around not doing much or not utilising the right techniques, starting up again can be a little bit strenuous on the body. With this came a lot of injuries as we are trying to get back to a new “normal”. This applies to the average Joe who just wants to move their body again all the way to the semi-professional athletes. This webinar will be a quick overview of how some of these injuries are treated in practice. You will be taken through some basic treatment protocols and be exposed to the role of other complementary professions in order to give patients the best possible outcome.
If you want to broaden your practice scope or just see what other professionals have to offer, don't miss this presentation.
Cherise Serfontein
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome:
The Importance of Scientific-Based Exercise Prescription
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a misunderstood and overlooked condition driven by multiple forces including hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance and chronic low- state inflammation. In the modern civilization where insulin resistance has been prevalent in 15.5 to 46.5% of adults AND where stress levels have sky- rocketed due to the global pandemic. It is time to acknowledge this condition as a global health concern - not just a women’s health issue. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a multifaceted disorder that some women develop during their childbearing years that affects almost 10% of women. Many women are only diagnosed with PCOS when signs of infertility occur, but the long - term effects are significant and should be addressed — regardless of the desire to have children or not. In 20 minutes, you’ll get the breakdown around what this condition is, how it is affecting women of childbearing years and other health conditions this population is predisposed to. This seminar aims to get practitioners up to date with the latest research surrounding PCOS, the symptoms and risks that exist, how COVID - 19 affects PCOS patients differently, along with the mental burden these women carry. We’ll look at some current evidence on how this population responds to different exercise modalities and how exercise can be implemented to reduce inflammation, insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism.
This is for all health care practitioners that are passionate about chronic disease management and who are interested in expanding their knowledge in the field of metabolic disease, hormonal disturbances, mental health and exercise physiology. If you are not familiar with this condition, this is the opportunity to get to know a very specific group of women that urgently need more attention and guidance surrounding the interventions they can implement to manage the symptoms. A patient will be walking into your practice requiring your knowledge and expertise on how this beast can be managed. With 1 in 10 women being diagnosed with PCOS (an uncurbable disease), the question is not if – but when.
Dr Lex Gonzales

How to Train Your Brain Away From Pain:
What Every High Performer Ought to Know About the Neuroscience of Pain
If you could help your clients achieve freedom from pain, could they perform better?
Imagine granting your clients the "superpower" ability to overcome performance limitations
brought on by physical pain. In this presentation, you will learn about the latest evidence and research on the neuroscience of pain. You will also learn about transformative pain treatment techniques high performers can use to rapidly equip themselves with pain management skills.
Pieter Henning

Rehabilitation Post-Latarjet Procedure for Recurring Shoulder Injuries
There is a high incidence of recurring shoulder dislocation in contact sports, and we will be having a look at the Laterjet procedure to correct an anterior instability. In this webinar I will be discussing the post-operative rehabilitation strategies that you can apply to assist your patients optimal recover and return to sport. To start off I will briefly go through the procedure and the indications thereof, but I will not be going in depth into the Latarjet procedure. I will be focusing more on the role of physiotherapy in the rehabilitation process. The Laterjet procedure causes some changes to the anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder and we will be having a look at how this will impact thereof on the function of the shoulder. Finally, I will show you some criteria for return to play.
I hope you will enjoy this talk and go away with the knowledge to help your patients perform at their best!
Edgar Katushabe

The Essentials of Strength and Performance
Tackling some of the less obvious and often overlooked aspects of powerlifting training, this talk is a dive into how to properly train and educate your athlete, and a quick-guided approach to maximise performance and longevity in the sport. As an elite South African powerlifter with a background in biokinetics and a master’s in human movement science, Edgar is powered by his passion for strength, conditioning, and the amazing capabilities of the human body.
First becoming interested in powerlifting 2014, he soon became engrossed in how to maximize performance in strength and power and how that can be transferred to other sporting disciplines. This led to him completing and then publishing his thesis on The effects of combined Powerlifting Elastic-band training on strength, speed and power in University Soccer players. His experience has led to him coaching athletes to 3 World Records and numerous National records and Championships. Edgar is currently working as an Instructor at JEFF Fitness which looks at bringing these training techniques and applying them to normal populations to provide elite training to the average joe looking at improving their health and fitness.
Mark Stevens
Strength Training Recommendations For Endurance Athletes
In this talk, we will review the strength training recommendations of:
• Volume • Type • Load • Frequency
that will benefit endurance sporting performance.
This presentation also seeks to explain the physiological adaptions that take place with this mechanical stimuli.
Dr Nicole Bernic
The Importance of an Optimally Functioning Nervous System
When looking to optimise performance, prevent injuries, or treat injuries, one needs to look most importantly at the one thing that controls the entire body and its ability to perform at its best, the one thing that allows the body to heal, and that is ultimately the nervous system. The central nervous system is the master control system of the body and is protected by the bones of the skull and spine and is powered by the movements of the spine. If the nervous system is functioning optimally without interference, the body is self-regulating and self-healing. When the nervous system is not functioning optimally, or there is interference, the body is no longer self-regulating and healing. Simply put, we have the brain that sends messages to every muscle, organ or tissue in the body, telling it what to do, and in turn, every muscle, organ or tissue in the body is sending messages up to the brain to let it know what is going on. If these messages are flowing free from interference, the body is functioning as it should, at its peak, and able to heal. In this talk, I will be discussing what causes interference to the nervous system, ultimately affecting its ability to self-regulate, correct and heal, how I measure the function of the nervous system as well as how to correct the interference to improve the ability of the body to heal and function at its peak, gently and efficiently, busting the myths or fear that chiropractic is dangerous.
Marizelle Grobler
The Holistic Approach to Health & Fitness
In the past two years, we as a collective, have experienced many many changes, patients’ needs have changed as well, people are generally dealing with a lot more than they ever have before, death and loss is rife, financial distress is high, depression and anxiety is now a very common occurrence amongst people in general. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health disorders posed a significant burden worldwide. In 2019, depression was the second-leading cause of disability globally, and anxiety ranked eighth, both being the most common types of mental health disorders. Have you ever wondered what else you can do to help your patients, especially those struggling to make progress in their rehabilitation due to external struggles or influence, could there be more to it, do they need more support elsewhere, more accountability or do they need more focus on other areas that could be hindering their progress? The Holistic Approach to Health & Fitness considers equally essential components of health and fitness, not focusing solely on one component. Looking at the whole person rather than just one or two parts, it’s about understanding that there is more to health and fitness than just exercise and nutrition. Generally, there is a lot of emphasis on the obvious aspects of health and fitness and often other aspects are neglected. There is no time like now to adopt a more holistic approach with your patients. We focus on the whole person, therefore enabling a greater sense of wellbeing leading to faster recovery and a highly valuable rehabilitation experience. In our discussion I will be addressing what a Holistic approach really means, what components play key roles towards the patient’s success to reach their goals, we will discuss the importance of mindset and mental/ emotional fitness and simple sustainable changes or habits absolutely anyone can easily incorporate into their daily routines.

Ian de Jager & Pieter Faber
Advancing Rehabilitation with Technology
Ian and Pieter started their practice in 2018; it has since grown into two practices. In March 2020 they recognised a great need to improve the way they documented and helped their patients, which is when they started developing Rehabit – software meant to integrate seamlessly into biokinetics practices around South Africa.
In this talk, they will discuss how Rehabit can improve the way we:
- create and send exercise programs to patients
- receive VAS, RPE, comments and feedback from patients
- create scientific evaluation reports that are easy to understand
- track patient compliance
Theresa Moodie
Yoga as a Multidisciplinary Approach to Myofascial Release
Yoga is gaining increasing popularity as a multidisciplinary approach to myofascial release. More and more medical professionals and sport's scientists are including this modality as part of training regimes. Want to know why?
This presentation will briefly discuss the different facets of Yoga and how these can be used to improve mobility, release
tension in the fascia and prevent injury. Followed by a short practical session which will enable you to feel the benefits for yourself.
Natalie Erskine
The Importance of Science Communication
for Knowledge Translation Using Social and Visual Media
In this presentation, I will be discussing science communication, its' importance and benefits, for both researchers and practitioners, alike. I will then go onto demonstrate the potential of social and digital media (infographics and animations) as powerful tools for science communication. Lastly, I will teach you, the practitioner and/or researcher, how to use these tools and implement them into your profession. By the end of my presentation you will learn the best practices for social media, how to create infographics and animations; and how to use these tools together to create greater impact for your research.
Tasneem Abrahams

Sex, Sexuality and Physical Disability:
How to Integrate Sexuality into Your Rehab Practice
Sexuality is an integral component of human behaviour, being the expression of an individual's personality and identity. Occupational Therapists recognize sexuality as a life skill that needs to be addressed as part of the goal to maximise quality of life of individuals post spinal cord injury, and many studies have identified improvement in sexual function as a priority for persons with spinal cord injury. However, the literature also indicated that sexual and fertility rehab must be addressed in a a biopsychosocial manner and include various disciplines. We look at evidence for effective approaches for supporting sexuality after spinal cord injury as a multidisciplinary rehab team.
Charlize Stander
Using Exercise to Improve Your Mental Health
The talk will touch on a definition of mental health and examples of some mental health disorders. Charlize will discuss the importance of looking after mental health and how to include physical exercise in a treatment program as well as how behavior modification can benefit the individual in the long term. The value and importance of exercise and used as a coping skill will be discussed, with focus on the importance of exercise in improving mental health, the quality of life and improved recovery outcomes.
Tanya Alberts
Optimal Nutritional Recovery for Athletes
After Training in Terms of Inflammation and Oxidation
This talk seeks to help you understand the exercise-induced muscle damage process caused by exhaustive or irregular intense exercise. Oxidative stress and inflammation can contribute to the severity of EIMD and nutrition can have a positive effect on recovery.
Fenetta Henning
The Role of Protein Within Recovery for Athletes
We have all heard that protein is important when training, whether you are bodybuilding or training for a triathlon. So why does it play such a vital role, and which type of proteins will you benefit from? Optimizing your nutrition from training right through to your recovery is a key factor to top performance results. Join me at the Evidence-Based Summit to learn more about choosing the right protein sources to get better results. We will discuss some debatable topics, such as whether to take protein before or after a workout and whether carb-loading really works.
Dr Roxie Becker
5 Keys to a Successful Plant-Based Athlete
As plant-based diets are becoming more and more popular, you will no doubt be exposed to athletes that follow this diet sooner or later. There are many negative connotations surrounding the words “plant-based” or “vegan”, especially in the athletic community, with many misconceptions surrounding this diet, such as vegan protein is inferior for muscle building, vegan diets negatively impact performance etc. This talk aims to equip you with the knowledge to help your athletes be successful if they choose to follow a plant-based diet. You will learn all about vegan protein and whether it truly is inferior to animal protein for building muscle, what supplements vegan athletes should be taking, what foods they should be consuming and more. And the best part? It’s all backed by science. After adopting a plant based diet in early 2014, Dr Becker was shocked at how little medical schools taught about nutrition, despite it being such a vital component in the management of many diseases.
As a result, she became obsessed with studying the latest nutrition research herself, and spent a month in Washington DC, under the leadership of prominent plant-based physicians Dr Neal Barnard and Dr Jim Loomis, observing the radical transformations of patients that adopted a plant-based diet. She developed a passion for translating complex research papers into a language that can be understood by the general public, so that patients can empower themselves with this knowledge that their physicians may not be aware of.
Jenna Bowes

Eating to Optimise Performance and Enhance Recovery
The ability of athletes to train day after day depends in large part on adequate restoration of muscle glycogen stores, a process that requires the consumption of sufficient dietary carbohydrates and ample time. “Fuelling the endurance athlete” will provide effective guidance to enhance training adaptations and improve performance. Understanding is key in being able to apply science and achieved dietary and sporting goals, both at a recreational and an elite level. The food we consume directly impacts our strength, training and recovery. Food however is more than just nutrition and with the correct understanding and application we can enhance how we feel and how ultimately how we perform. Personalised nutrition in athletes is key. “It doesn’t always have to be pretty, it just has to work for you.”